Welcome to the


A charming family run historical villa turned into a vacation home in the south of Tuscany with ocean view and a roof terrace

About Us


Welcome to our villa! We are Flavia and Giulia Baschieri, two sisters from Rome and we are taking care of our family villa in the fourth generation now, welcoming guests in the cute little town of Porto Santo Stefano.

We inherited the villa from our grandfather and it has been in our family ever since it was built in 1888. We spent our childhood summers in this house together and living across europe now, we still gather here with our whole family every easter to celebrate and start the season. Renting the appartment, we want to offer our guests the same dreamy and relaxed italian summer experience we had as kids.

Above the window of the first floor of our house, you can still find our family coat of arms showing a dove sitting on a club above a six-pointed star. The star showed our family’s loyalty to the white guelphs during the civil war in Florence after 1300. The club demonstrated dominance towards rival families, while the dove represents peace within our own family. Try to spot it coming up our driveway!

The Villa Baschieri is our home and our family heritage. We cherish every moment we spend here together and we hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.

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