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A charming family run historical villa turned into a vacation home in the south of Tuscany with ocean view and a roof terrace

About the villa


Villa Baschieri was built in 1888 by Nonno Ciriaco, our great-grandfather, overlooking the bay of Porto Santo Stefano. He was 40 years old then and already an accomplished civil engineer.

In the late 18 hundreds he was instructed by the newly founded Kingdom of Italy to build the railway connection between mainland Italy and Porto Santo Stefano. That was when he fell in love with what was then a small fishing village surrounded by glorious nature, with the wilderness of the Monte Argentario peninsula, its lagoons and long sandy beaches connecting it to the mainland, the majesty of the sea, the breathtaking views of the coast and the nearby islands of Giglio and Giannutri.

So he bought several acres of land on the hillside towards the cape of the bay and built what has become our beloved family summer residence. A Mediterranean villa with a Victorian touch, topped by a roof terrace that hovers over the bay, surrounded by a garden to cool off in the hot season. (picture on the right: old portrait of our family on site during the construction of the villa)

The family would leave Rome and settle down in Porto Santo Stefano for the summer months, and the house has remained our summer residence ever since. At the time, however, it was also a farmhouse with terraced vineyards all around – the small house next door was the stable for the donkey.

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Foto 05.10.20, 18 44 48 (1)

Two world wars saw the villa shelter family and people fleeing the bombings and food shortages of the city. The ruins still visible on the shore underneath the villa were a torpedo testing platform built in the 1930s and blown up at the end of the war. Luckily, the house only suffered little damage, and in the decades that followed it was refurbished and lovingly coaxed into the present by generations of Baschieris.

The attic was turned into a spacious apartment with a separate entrance for hosting guests, while the ground and first floor remained a separate unit for the family’s summer holidays and weekend breaks.

We love our villa very much, it is the place where our family gathers at Easter and in the warm season, lights the fireplaces when it gets colder. It reminds us of those we cherish, of who we are and where we come from. It is like an elegant lady, and we hope you will appreciate its charm and forgive its flaws. May Villa Baschieri host a wonderful holiday for you, may it be the home you love to come back to after discovering the beauties of Monte Argentario.

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